Wednesday, December 13, 2006


One of the most incredible differences I have seen with our 8th grade daughter since we began homeschooling is the frequency with which she now volunteers around the house. The change may not be 100% attributable to homeschooling (she has also been attending weekly Bible study for about two months now), but I am convinced homeschooling has played a major role in her transformation.

Over the past weeks, our daughter has consistently volunteered to perform chores (washing dishes, laundry, cleaning up). She has also volunteered and prepared dinners and now routinely comes up to me asking if she can do something for me.

Along with the volunteerism naturally follows hope and, as I have written before, restoring or instilling hope has and will continue to be a key goal for us as we homeschool our daughter. So far, so good.

As things are coming together nicely around the house, soon we will have to venture out and enable our daughter to volunteer in support of causes and efforts outside the house. She has already come to us with a couple ideas, including Habitat for Humanity.

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